Thursday, May 15, 2008



(often initial capital letter) the foreseeing care and guidance of God or nature over the creatures of the earth.
(initial capital letter) God, esp. when conceived as omnisciently directing the universe and the affairs of humankind with wise benevolence.
a manifestation of divine care or direction.
provident or prudent management of resources; prudence.
foresight; provident care.

I've posted some photos below to show what is happening to my home, to Providence. It's the story of what is happening to urban America as a whole. It is a cruel saga, and its perpetrators are clear, however studiously they are ignored. As we increasingly bear witness to the demagoguing of the least, the last, and the lost for the nation's ills, we should reflect on how our cities have really been destroyed.

The ultimate culprit, in my mind, is the electoral college. America's urban centers are overwhelmingly situated in overwhelmingly blue states, states which will vote for the Democratic nominee for president regardless of who that nominee is. What does this mean for folks that live in cities? It means the Democrats will ignore us, since they know we'll vote for them regardless. And, it means the Republicans will ignore us, since they know we'll never vote for them regardless.

The problems of urban blight are much more complicated than this, of course; I'm merely inviting the reader to consider how many American "democratic" institutions treat teeming masses of city-dwelling citizens as if they were fringe groups who can be ignored without undue cost.

So, we are bitter. We are bitter that our criminals are shipped to prisons in rural areas, where they are counted as part of those rural counties' population, so that those rural counties can claim aid and development money that would have been better spent in our neighborhoods, in the interest of keeping our people from going to prison in the first place.

Those rural counties have undue representation in government, since they count prisoners as residents, thereby artificially inflating their populations. The problem, of course, is that prisoners can't vote. But then again, neither could slaves, and the same trick worked then, so what the hell?

The representatives of those counties, of course, can wax sanctimonously about crime, since they have a vested interest in keeping large numbers of city folks in rural prisons, whereby they win thousands of new "constituents" who are without rights, but who can be used to inflate the county's influence in government.

For example, there is a law that if you are convicted three times of selling drugs, you automatically serve life in prison. It would take at least 10 other blogs to count the ways that this law is an insult to every good thing about America, but for now, just ask yourself this: if such a law came up for a vote, would the rural counties with prisons vote for it? Of course they would.

We are bitter that, since John McCain will never win this state, he has no interest in acknowledging our existence as citizens. We are bitter that, since Barack Obama will win this state even if he's caught in a hotel with a dead woman or a live boy, he has absolutely no rational interest in listening to our grievances either.

We are bitter in Providence and, true to form, we are turning on the "strangers" in our midst. The immigrants. There are a disproportionately large number of people in Providence who, according to the law of the land, should not be here. But whose fault is that? It's not the fault of the immigrants. It's the fault of the government.

And what does our government do? Having failed utterly to prevent the influx of unauthorized people, it comes to us to stir fear and resentment and, most importantly, to ask for more power. "We would have gotten it right", they say, "if only we'd had more authority."

That's what they said after 9/11. And Iraq. And Katrina. In each case, a government with so much power that it can't even roll out of bed in the morning to wield it effectively has utterly failed its people, after confiscating obscene amounts of wealth from the citizens in the avowed interest of serving and protecting them. And, after each catastrophic failure, they explain that the tragedy resulted from a lack of power.

Now, with untold numbers of "illegals" in our midst, the government comes to us for more power. They tell us they were unable to turn back the masses, and that the only solution is for all of us, for ALL of us, to be required by the government to prove that we belong here when we enter into a private contract with an employer.

So, since our government is criminally incompetent, we have to carry papers so as to be able to prove our "innocence", our "legality." And we blame the immigrants as we foist tyranny upon ourselves.

You know, Americans are keen to give up liberties with stunning nonchalance. We know that the Germans did the same things, but we say to ourselves "our government would never abuse power the way the Nazis did." But does anyone think that Germans weren't saying the exact same thing? They were saying "our government would never abuse such power the way the Bolsheviks did." Famous, or should I say infamous, last words

And that's the point. Once the infrastructure for tyranny is in place, the course to the actualization of that tyranny is 99% completed. We have built the infrastructure, suspending Habeus Corpus, which predates the God-damned Crusades. We continue to add beams to this insidious architecture, with "terrorist" ceding to "unlawful combatant" ceding to "illegal immigrant" ceding to...what?

Look at the pictures below, and ask yourselves, "what happened to Providence?" Was it the Mexicans? Was it bin Laden? Or was it us?

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