There are many current and concurrent political and ethical and psychological threads at work presently in our country, and most observers have done a sub-par job at connecting the dots. But make no mistake: hate is here.
This week, a census worker in Kentucky was murdered. His body was subsequently hung from a tree with the epithet "Fed" scrawled across his chest. Be on notice, my friends, this was the canary in the coal mine. Hate is here.
The census worker's job is to count citizens in each of our thousands of localities. Why? Primarily, their goal is to ensure that each locality has the proper amount of representation in, and funding from, the federal government.
So, every 10 years we have to count our localities to make sure they have enough representatives in the Congress and to make sure that they have enough federal funding for schools, roads, etc. In other words, census workers aim to make sure people have enough POWER and MONEY.
But there is an element in this country that is bred into a blood feud with the federal government. That strain has been exponentially strengthened and hyperbolized with the election of Barack Hussein Obama.
Such people do not look at the census taker as an opportunity. Nor do they look at the census taker with apathy. Nor do they look at the census taker with mere distaste or mild paranoia. No, this element sees the census taker as the person who walks around compiling a hit list for the Feds.
And, since the Feds are now led by Iraq Hussein Osama, the Kenyan Communist, the Muslim Mulatto, this census taker takes on all-the-more ominous a tone. Someone in Kentucky saw a mortal threat in this census taker. Why?
Well, this person probably assumed that this census taker was personally sent by President Obama to compile a list of heterosexual white Christians to exterminate. Dare we imagine what the murderer would have done had President Obama come to his town?
And can any of us honestly believe that this murderer has not boosted his venom on our airwaves? I'd bet my life he watches Glenn Beck.
Freedom of speech is God's greatest terrestrial blessing. But, just like free will, it is anarchic and self-immolating without that ultimate virtue, DISCRETION.
The man that murdered the census-taker is not alone. He has many peers, many of whom are more capable than he. If and (God forbid) when that awful and ultimate shot is taken at our President, we will not have the satisfaction of calling the assassin an outsider.
If our President ever bears the will millions of Americans wish him, I can assure you this: the assassin will be born and bred on American media. And he will call himself a patriot.
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