Just as the islands of evil at the hearts of the Confederacy and Nazi Germany drowned out their valid grievances, so did those sins drown out the evil acts of their enemies, the United States in both cases.
Let us consider the methods Abraham Lincoln employed. Lincoln's government conscripted literally tens of thousands of immigrants, often literally stepping off the ship, to go kill people whose families had lived in America for centuries.
Lincoln's government suspended Habeus Corpus. Habeus Corpus is not the appendix of justice. It is not the pancreas or the pinky toe or even the right arm of justice. Habeus Corpus is the HEART of justice. Lincoln's government cut that heart out in order to win the war.
Lincoln did NOT abolish slavery in any territory of the United States during the war, and when he was assassinated, there were still slaves in the North.
Lincoln, however, withstands most critique because of the original sin of his enemy. As a matter of fact, more books have been written in English about Abraham Lincoln than about any other person who's ever lived other than Yeshua Ha-Nostri, aka Jesus Christ.
And what of Roosevelt?
Roosevelt's government turned away boatloads of Jewish refugees even as it claimed to wage war against Hitler for brutalizing the Jews.
Roosevelt's government ordered American armies to indiscriminately bomb German and Japanese cities. When Roosevelt died, 3 million German and Japanese CIVILIANS had died beneath American bombs.
Roosevelt's government dispossessed and imprisoned hundreds of thousands of American citizens for the sin of Japanese ancestry.
This is the true toll of Confederate and Nazi evil. When pure evil manifests itself, the only thing that can kill it is a force willing to embrace evil methods. In those wars, there are no winners.
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