Thank the maker. Madame Clinton's campaign was a top-down affair, centered around the acceptance of her endorsement of a blatantly illegal war of aggression, a crime that was endorsed for the sake of "electability". And thank the maker that it didn't work. Let me put it this way: If Hillary Clinton had voted against the Iraq War, her nomination would have been as easy as it would have been if Barack Obama hadn't run.
And why did Madame Clinton vote "aye" for the Mesopotamian abattoir? Does anyone really think that she truly believed in the mission, the threat, the premise, the cost? Personally, I have not a shred of a doubt that that vote, which has thus far cost 1 million human lives and 2 trillion American dollars, was cast solely in the name of "credibility", "toughness", or some other such tripe.
This woman, this mother, endorsed the wholesale slaughter of countless human beings in the name of "electability". I say thank the maker that this ploy has backfired. Thank the maker that Winning At Any Cost, a.k.a. Clintonism, has failed.
And there is the impetus for Mr. Obama to make the clean break, to reject any thought of putting Madame Clinton on his ticket. A refusal to do so may weaken Obama's chances in November, but this is the break with "winning at any cost" that we need.
There is little glory in losing, but I would argue that there is even less glory in winning at any cost. We've tried that approach for the last sixteen years, and look at where we are. The hour is late in America, and half measures, as embodied by John Kerry, are hopelessly inadequate.
So here's for Obama sticking to his guns. Shake off the Clintons. Obama should choose a running mate that is on record as having opposed the invasion of Iraq from its inception. Perhaps this candidate will have military experience, but, either way, the message must be that military experience is not indicative of inherent legitimacy.
It's time to go for broke. It's time for a radical change. That is the only logic of Obama's candidacy. If he rejects Madame Clinton as his vice-president, the die will be cast, and Americans lucky enough to live in "swing" states will be lucky enough to have their votes count in a truly monumental election in American history.
Obama may well be blown out. I really can't call it. But at long last, let us at least roll the dice.
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