Eviscerate the Evidence, Murder the Motive
The murder of John Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks are the two most commonly held memories among the 300 million Americans alive today and, indeed, among all human beings, due to the reach of American media.
I have touched on how the American government's versions of these crimes, codified respectively in the Warren Commission Report and the 9/11 Commission Report, rely heavily on the dismissal of hundreds of eyewitnesses, the refutation of common sense, the dismissal of logic, and the suspension of the laws of physics.
Their other ultimate commonality, and the most direct evidence of cover-up, lies in the destroying of evidence and the masking of motive.
JFK Evidence
What was the physical evidence in the murder of John Kennedy? The body of the victim, the car the victim was riding in, and the alleged assassin. All of these things were destroyed within 48 hours of the crime.
John Kennedy's body, in contravention of Texas law, was forcibly removed from the custody of the Dallas coroner. By the time the body reached Bethesda Naval Hospital for the "official" autopsy, the wounds to the president's body did not remotely resemble the wounds he had suffered in Dallas.
The Dallas coroners noted an entry wound in the front of the head and a large exit wound in the rear of the head. In Washington, the government's mulligan found that the president's head had been nearly blown clean off, such a large and violent wound that a shot from the rear became a pseudo-defensible assertion.
John Kennedy's car, which contained blood, bullet holes, and other forensic evidence that could help determine how many shots were fired, where the shots came from, and where they struck the president, was ordered destroyed without being combed for evidence. To spare us the emotional anguish, of course.
Lee Harvey Oswald, the supposed assassin, was the ultimate piece of evidence. He was destroyed as well, earning the distinction of being the first person to be murdered on live television. Not murdered as John Kennedy had been, exposed and helpless, but murdered indoors and surrounded by a phalanx of armed men. And not just any armed men; Texans.
John Kennedy was murdered, and the government did not even pretend to follows the protocol regarding preservation of evidence.
9/11 Evidence
The 9/11 attacks were, among so many other things, a murder. 3,000 people were murdered in one day. Were any rules regulating the investigation of a murder followed after the 9/11 attacks?
What was the physical evidence in the 9/11 attacks? Most of the physical evidence was incinerated. But it was not only incinerated in the fiery chaos of the attacks themselves; it was incinerated by our government afterwards.
The rubble at the World Trade Center site was not treated as evidence; it was treated as rubble. To some degree, this is understandable; to some other degree, this is unforgivable. Here was the way to ascertain how these buildings could have possibly collapsed.
What about the dozens of reports of explosions? What about the eerie likeness of the collapses to planned demolitions? Had al-Qaeda somehow wired the buildings with explosives? Had someone else? Surely we would find out. Surely we would reconstruct evidence, as we had rebuilt TWA flight 800 after it broke into a thousand pieces over the ocean. But, no. The evidence was hauled away. And destroyed.
JFK Motive
John Kennedy was not killed with three shots in four seconds from Lee Harvey Oswald's twelve dollar rifle. What would be the harm in the government's asserting that he was killed by 2 or 3 "lone nuts"?
John Kennedy was so corrupt that everybody had an interest in avoiding the truth, including his own brother, the Attorney General. John Kennedy crossed the mob and the CIA, after having no compunction about engaging both groups in blatantly illegal activities when he so desired.
Who pulled the trigger was irrelevant. The only relevant imperative was that the American people never learn how compromised their entire nation had been under Kennedy's leadership. Kennedy's friends couldn't admit that the president had had it coming. And Kennedy's enemies couldn't admit that they had killed him.
The government could not admit that the president was sharing women with mafioso, contracting mobsters to kill Castro, and beholden to the Mafia for his election in 1960. Nor could the government admit that a certain faction of it had murdered the president. Herein lies the motive of all involved, even those who wept bitterly over the crime, to conceal the actual motive.
9/11 Motive
Even if the physical account of the 9/11 attacks were true, the question of motive would remain. In any common murder, there are relatively few people who were intimate enough with the victim to be willing to kill him or her.
The targets of the Kennedy murder and 9/11 raised a problem; There were a lot of people, far too many people, who wanted John Kennedy dead and who wanted America to bleed. Rather than acknowledge that any rational person could have a legitimate grievance with the symbols of American power, we are presented with the irrational, martyred actors.
Just as Lee Harvey Oswald had a murderous hatred of John Kennedy for no discernible reason, the 19 terrorists of 9/11 hated freedom. The logical inference being that they worshipped slavery.
There was no mention of the American government's sordid dealings with the very factions that were supposedly responsible for the attacks. There was no disclosure of how it was that, on September 12, we had headshots of all 19 terrorists, just 24 hours after they had come all too literally out of the blue.
Lyndon Johnson did not murder John Kennedy. And George W. Bush did not plan 9/11. So why do they cover up? Well, in their minds, they do it for us. They cover up not their direct guilt, but their prior associations. Associations that the "common man" may frown upon, but were oh-so-necessary at the time, albeit necessary in a way that We The People did not deserve to be apprised of.
The American government, or factions there within, were doing business with some very unsavory characters, to put it diplomatically, before the murder of John Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks. After being struck at its vitals, the government lied out of shame; it could not admit that it used to be friends with the perps.
And here is where we measure ourselves. Do we appreciate a government that sells us lies with the most benevolent intention of sparing us the anguish of the truth? Or do we reject that government for its condescension of the people it is mandated to represent?
The murder of John Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks prove beyond doubt that, when the government picks "our" friends, we pay the price. We pay the price, and then they demand more authority over us, assuring that such authority will help them next time. And as long as we allow this, there will always be a next time.
The murder of John Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks are the two most commonly held memories among the 300 million Americans alive today and, indeed, among all human beings, due to the reach of American media.
I have touched on how the American government's versions of these crimes, codified respectively in the Warren Commission Report and the 9/11 Commission Report, rely heavily on the dismissal of hundreds of eyewitnesses, the refutation of common sense, the dismissal of logic, and the suspension of the laws of physics.
Their other ultimate commonality, and the most direct evidence of cover-up, lies in the destroying of evidence and the masking of motive.
JFK Evidence
What was the physical evidence in the murder of John Kennedy? The body of the victim, the car the victim was riding in, and the alleged assassin. All of these things were destroyed within 48 hours of the crime.
John Kennedy's body, in contravention of Texas law, was forcibly removed from the custody of the Dallas coroner. By the time the body reached Bethesda Naval Hospital for the "official" autopsy, the wounds to the president's body did not remotely resemble the wounds he had suffered in Dallas.
The Dallas coroners noted an entry wound in the front of the head and a large exit wound in the rear of the head. In Washington, the government's mulligan found that the president's head had been nearly blown clean off, such a large and violent wound that a shot from the rear became a pseudo-defensible assertion.
John Kennedy's car, which contained blood, bullet holes, and other forensic evidence that could help determine how many shots were fired, where the shots came from, and where they struck the president, was ordered destroyed without being combed for evidence. To spare us the emotional anguish, of course.
Lee Harvey Oswald, the supposed assassin, was the ultimate piece of evidence. He was destroyed as well, earning the distinction of being the first person to be murdered on live television. Not murdered as John Kennedy had been, exposed and helpless, but murdered indoors and surrounded by a phalanx of armed men. And not just any armed men; Texans.
John Kennedy was murdered, and the government did not even pretend to follows the protocol regarding preservation of evidence.
9/11 Evidence
The 9/11 attacks were, among so many other things, a murder. 3,000 people were murdered in one day. Were any rules regulating the investigation of a murder followed after the 9/11 attacks?
What was the physical evidence in the 9/11 attacks? Most of the physical evidence was incinerated. But it was not only incinerated in the fiery chaos of the attacks themselves; it was incinerated by our government afterwards.
The rubble at the World Trade Center site was not treated as evidence; it was treated as rubble. To some degree, this is understandable; to some other degree, this is unforgivable. Here was the way to ascertain how these buildings could have possibly collapsed.
What about the dozens of reports of explosions? What about the eerie likeness of the collapses to planned demolitions? Had al-Qaeda somehow wired the buildings with explosives? Had someone else? Surely we would find out. Surely we would reconstruct evidence, as we had rebuilt TWA flight 800 after it broke into a thousand pieces over the ocean. But, no. The evidence was hauled away. And destroyed.
JFK Motive
John Kennedy was not killed with three shots in four seconds from Lee Harvey Oswald's twelve dollar rifle. What would be the harm in the government's asserting that he was killed by 2 or 3 "lone nuts"?
John Kennedy was so corrupt that everybody had an interest in avoiding the truth, including his own brother, the Attorney General. John Kennedy crossed the mob and the CIA, after having no compunction about engaging both groups in blatantly illegal activities when he so desired.
Who pulled the trigger was irrelevant. The only relevant imperative was that the American people never learn how compromised their entire nation had been under Kennedy's leadership. Kennedy's friends couldn't admit that the president had had it coming. And Kennedy's enemies couldn't admit that they had killed him.
The government could not admit that the president was sharing women with mafioso, contracting mobsters to kill Castro, and beholden to the Mafia for his election in 1960. Nor could the government admit that a certain faction of it had murdered the president. Herein lies the motive of all involved, even those who wept bitterly over the crime, to conceal the actual motive.
9/11 Motive
Even if the physical account of the 9/11 attacks were true, the question of motive would remain. In any common murder, there are relatively few people who were intimate enough with the victim to be willing to kill him or her.
The targets of the Kennedy murder and 9/11 raised a problem; There were a lot of people, far too many people, who wanted John Kennedy dead and who wanted America to bleed. Rather than acknowledge that any rational person could have a legitimate grievance with the symbols of American power, we are presented with the irrational, martyred actors.
Just as Lee Harvey Oswald had a murderous hatred of John Kennedy for no discernible reason, the 19 terrorists of 9/11 hated freedom. The logical inference being that they worshipped slavery.
There was no mention of the American government's sordid dealings with the very factions that were supposedly responsible for the attacks. There was no disclosure of how it was that, on September 12, we had headshots of all 19 terrorists, just 24 hours after they had come all too literally out of the blue.
Lyndon Johnson did not murder John Kennedy. And George W. Bush did not plan 9/11. So why do they cover up? Well, in their minds, they do it for us. They cover up not their direct guilt, but their prior associations. Associations that the "common man" may frown upon, but were oh-so-necessary at the time, albeit necessary in a way that We The People did not deserve to be apprised of.
The American government, or factions there within, were doing business with some very unsavory characters, to put it diplomatically, before the murder of John Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks. After being struck at its vitals, the government lied out of shame; it could not admit that it used to be friends with the perps.
And here is where we measure ourselves. Do we appreciate a government that sells us lies with the most benevolent intention of sparing us the anguish of the truth? Or do we reject that government for its condescension of the people it is mandated to represent?
The murder of John Kennedy and the 9/11 attacks prove beyond doubt that, when the government picks "our" friends, we pay the price. We pay the price, and then they demand more authority over us, assuring that such authority will help them next time. And as long as we allow this, there will always be a next time.
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